BVL uPVC Doors & Windows

Designed And Fashionized FixedWindows

Fixed Windows Manufacturers

uPVC Fixed Windows Manufacturers

Fixed windows are the types of windows that are provided with a fixed frame and that cannot be opened. This windows are an imperative part of both residential and commercial place set up and used to provide architectural completion and aesthetical framing of the house. This is designed to allow light into a room and offer a clear view of outside. Our uPVC fixed windows are designed by high-quality materials to provide the most durable, efficient, and appealing fixed windows.

Our Features

26. aluskin

Prominent Features

Special Features

ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 36.000004
cameraFNumber (float): 8.000000
cameraFarClip (float): 1000000015047466200000000000000.000000
cameraFarRange (float): 1000.000000
cameraFocalLength (float): 50.000000
cameraFov (float): 39.030846
cameraNearClip (float): 0.000000
cameraNearRange (float): 0.000000
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 3226.671387
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.976225, 0.216193, -0.0156751, 155.153}, {0.21676, -0.973669, 0.070596, -984.935}, {-2.99769e-009, -0.0723153, -0.997382, 191.087}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 4507, 5960]
displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 4507, 5960]
lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
name (string): ""
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1.000000
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0.000000, 0.000000]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1.000000
type (string): "scanlineimage"
vrayInfo/camera (string): "VRayCam_V_4"
vrayInfo/computername (string): "cr57"
vrayInfo/cpu (string): "INTEL/Model:15,Family:6,Stepping:2,Cache:0"
vrayInfo/date (string): "06-07-2016"
vrayInfo/filename (string): "deadlineStartupMax2016.max"
vrayInfo/frame (string): "00000"
vrayInfo/h (string): "0"
vrayInfo/mhz (string): "0MHz"
vrayInfo/numPasses (string): "0"
vrayInfo/numSubdivs (string): "0.00"
vrayInfo/os (string): "Win8.1"
vrayInfo/primitives (string): "0"
vrayInfo/ram (string): "65312MB"
vrayInfo/rendertime (string): " 0h  0m  0.0s"
vrayInfo/time (string): "11:09:12"
vrayInfo/vmem (string): "134217728MB"
vrayInfo/vraycore (string): "3.25.01"
vrayInfo/vrayrevision (string): "26786 May 27 2016 09:21:32"
vrayInfo/vrayversion (string): "Internal V-Ray version Adv 3.45.01"
vrayInfo/w (string): "0"

A (half)
B (half)
G (half)
R (half)
VRayRawReflection.B (half)
VRayRawReflection.G (half)
VRayRawReflection.R (half)
VRayReflection.B (half)
VRayReflection.G (half)
VRayReflection.R (half)

Our Specifications

Prominent Advantages

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